Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ministry at the Marfa Lights Festival went great! We had several salvations and healings, gave out countless hugs and got to pray for many.
We will be posting some testimonies from our team members soon. So be watching for it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Marfa Lights Festival

Wild Fire will be at the Marfa Lights Festival this weekend, Sept. 4-6. We have a booth reserved where we will set up our prayer tent for ministry. We will also be sending out teams to do "Treasure Hunt" style street ministry.

Please stand with us in prayer for this event. There currently a lot of spiritual strongholds on the region surrounding Marfa. We feel that the Father is breaking down those strongholds and bringing restoration to this land that was lost. Marfa is returning to the Kingdom. May they see heaven invade earth this weekend! In Jesus name!

Fighting For His Glory,