Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ministry at the Marfa Lights Festival went great! We had several salvations and healings, gave out countless hugs and got to pray for many.
We will be posting some testimonies from our team members soon. So be watching for it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Marfa Lights Festival

Wild Fire will be at the Marfa Lights Festival this weekend, Sept. 4-6. We have a booth reserved where we will set up our prayer tent for ministry. We will also be sending out teams to do "Treasure Hunt" style street ministry.

Please stand with us in prayer for this event. There currently a lot of spiritual strongholds on the region surrounding Marfa. We feel that the Father is breaking down those strongholds and bringing restoration to this land that was lost. Marfa is returning to the Kingdom. May they see heaven invade earth this weekend! In Jesus name!

Fighting For His Glory,

Monday, June 1, 2009

Night of Worship in Alpine June 5th

Come worship with us the 1st Friday of every month. We meet from 7pm-10pm at the Clean Barn, 105 North 10th, between Holland and Ave. E. You are free to come and go as needed. So join us and come ready to experience the presence of God!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Eyesight restored on Scotland Mission Trip

Kerry and I were on a tour bus and talking to two young women who were tour guides in Glasgow, Scotland. One of them, Lucy, told us that she couldn't get her drivers license because she had injured her eye 3 years ago. The injury caused her eye socket to be busted in two, resulting in blindness. She later regained about 1/2 of her eyesight, but it was still very blurry. So we asked if we could pray for her, she said yes, and so we did! It started to coming back in stages, and then, voila! Complete healing from Jesus! She said, "That's just crazy! I can see completely! I haven't been able to see clearly until now!"

Then, the other tour guide, Donna, said, "So you have the gift, then?!" I responded, "God just wants to use people to show His love to others!" Then she said, "I wish I could take you home with me, because my Uncle Robert has MS and really needs healing." So I told her, "Just hold up your hands to mine and I will pray for an impartation, a transformation of what God has done through me and He'll give it to you. Then you go pray for your uncle, and he'll get healed!" Yeah, God!!

Love Y’all!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our Team Members

Please pray for our team as they minister in Scotland.

Kerry and Toni Hellums, Directors of Wild Fire Ministries
Eden Simon
Addie Bencomo
Chelsea Rios
Emily Cantrell
Jessica Lien
Jessie Haberer
Mitchell Waechter
Willie Langham

Scotland Update Video 5

Scotland Update Video 4

Scotland Update Video 3

Scotland Update Video 2

Scotland Update Video 1

Scotland Mission Trip

The Team led by Kerry and Toni are in Scotland! They left the States on Sunday May17th and have been working among the people since then. Please keep them in your prayers and we will keep you up to date.

Welcome to the Wild Fire Blog

If you have any questions you can Email me!

I love y'all!

Alicia Zinn